Sunday, January 29, 2006

living on the edge

A couple of weeks ago I learned that the city had taken over the campus, annexed the whole thing, including the Student Center, thus coffee cost an extra two cents (city tax). AND half of Faner, they told me. But that didn't sit well...which half? Half was ALREADY in the city? Well, apparently the line ran down somewhere in the middle. North half was the city, because you could serve alcohol in the city, but the township was dry, so they always had to have their wine in the museum auditorium, not the philosophy department.

The line was there before the building, best I could figure; fire & police service wasn't an issue. Now we're all in the city, but I still wonder which side I was on; all I know is that I'm close to the edge. I had the honor of showing Sen. Simon to a room in Faner once (it's a very confusing building); some days at the beginning of a term I feel like a tourguide, leading people with confused looks on their faces to some room. Pizza drivers let pizzas get cold trying to find these places, and come back to their cars to find them towed.

And I've been on the edge, all these years. There's a story in there somewhere.


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