Wednesday, February 04, 2015

ESL/EFL Writing teachers, Help!

Dear ESL/EFL Writing teacher: For years I have been studying the influences of technology on ESL writers’ grammar and expression. The influences are not all bad; for example, the computer’s constant reminder that subjects and verbs must be matched has virtually eliminated a wide range of the most common, simple matching errors that we used to see regularly. But computers, specifically electronic dictionaries, programs such as Google Translate, and Word grammar-check and other (sometimes free) grammar software have altered students’ learning curves as well as their production. I am most interested in the ways their learning and writing have been hampered, because it is most useful for teachers to be aware of that, in order to teach more effectively. But anything you can point out, good or bad, about computers’ influences on students’ learning and writing will be helpful to me.

If you have read enough and don’t wish to say anything, thanks anyway for your time! If you do the survey, it will take about half an hour, and I will need it in two weeks, roughly at the end of February; thanks in advance! I will send you a free book upon your completion; be patient if you live abroad. You can see the books at my press website (; there is poetry and short stories (ESL eventually, but you may have to wait). This is obviously self-serving in terms of getting my own books out there, but I can’t think of anyone I’d rather give it away to, than my fellow teachers here and abroad! Feel free to forward this message to other ESL/EFL teachers you know who might be interested. More information about what I’m doing (and the TESOL presentation it is for) is on my blog: Thanks again! –Tom Leverett

Note: This was pasted, verbatim, on Facebook. All ESL/EFL Writing teachers are welcome to participate, though. My fear is that as I become a little removed from the ESL/EFL writing trenches, I lose touch with what people are experiencing. I need to know what you are seeing!

My TESOL presentation is For Better or Worse: Grammar technology and the ESL/EFL Writer; it's part of the Internet Fair Classics. Stay posted for details on time and place; hope to see you there!  Its website is here, though I've had trouble updating it, due to changes in uploading technology.

To participate in the survey, write me at I will send  the survey by word file (it is about 2 1/2 pages). Thanks in advance!


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