Monday, October 23, 2006

on blogs

Technorati: State of the Blogosphere, August 2005. Accessed 10-06.

The blogosphere doubles every five and a half months. There were over 14 million blogs in July 2005. 55% of them are active; this number has remained stable, more or less. A new one is created every second. Only 13% are updated weekly.

Hiler, J. (2002, Feb. 26). Google loves blogs.
Microcontent news. Accessed 10-06.

Why blogs have inordinate power in your searches. It makes sense: they're updated constantly; they point to the things that are important; they are obsessed with news and with good sites, and things that people value.

Burke, J. (2005, Nov. 28). Hyperlinking could change the writing styles of newspaper journalists. The Editors Weblog.

Title is self-explanatory, but it says what we're thinking- that blog writing is three-dimensional, because some words or phrases are moving walls into another dimension. Like an old suspense thriller.

Hiler, J. (2002, May 28). Blogosphere: the emerging Media Ecosystem. Microcontent News.

About the relationship between bloggers and journalists; useful for my class on media. Quotes "Doc Weevil" --
blogger : journalist :: tick : sheep
bloggers : journalists :: dung beetles : elephants
like an old GRE test, huh? But here's another interesting paragraph:

"Like any ecosystem, the Blogosphere demonstrates all the classic ecological patterns: predators and prey, evolution and emergence, natural selection and adaptation.  I've often thought that anthropologists were best equipped to deconstruct the emerging blogging sub-culture, but now I'm convinced I got it wrong: the greater mysteries of the Blogosphere will be unlocked instead by evolutionary biologists."

I'm going to need those evolutionary biologists anyway, I figure. More later...



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