Monday, November 27, 2006

Watson, P.J. & Jones, A. (2006, Nov. 27). MySpace is the Trojan Horse of Internet Censorship. Accessed 11-06.

According to this article, Rupert Murdoch is trying to use MySpace to control the Internet...I think he's considering using MySpace to prevent his media empire from collapsing- but, what do I know? People use these things for all kinds of things. And what are they using Second Life for? Besides making money, I mean.

It's back from vacation for us. Control of the internet- that's the theme of our media class. Students have interesting weblogs and the comments are starting. I welcome them (you), by the way, to mine, although they (you)'ll have to read English to even get this far! Want something else to read? Come visit the personal weblog, or read about chat...

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