Saturday, November 03, 2007


I'm beginning to get to some of the things I've promised in the past:

1) Vocabulary project report- the post below this one. It happened, it's real, and though most papers done on it were on paper, and thus unavailable, the report below will carry on & record what happened.
2) CESL web report, on the CESL Teachers' weblog; it's already outdated, since the Flickr disaster, but, it does tell about the status of CESL web activity.
3) Speaking of Flickr, still no response about why we'd be rendered "inactive"- whether it's simply failure to log in, or possibly hacking (it's not like nobody knows our password)...?? So, I've been removing Flickr's ghost windows, left when they render an account inactive. Some things on there, I'll really miss, as I'm not sure where or if they're backed up. I've successfully removed the most egregious of these on CESL, and now can turn to my own pages, including the one in the top corner of my own squares here.
4) More on TESOL 2008 a.s.a.p.- looks like I'm going, if at all possible...
5) Completed a set of twelve short stories, all about crime, all using a certain "well-known, big-box, discount retail chain." Enjoy!

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