Thursday, June 05, 2008


I'm just beginning an investigation into Blackboard. OK, I've heard it was clunky, had a steep learning curve, buggy, etc. for years. And, they bought out that other nightmare course management system, WebCT, whose name I purposely forget, because of my own inability to manage its interface, and the hours of time wasted.

The questions really are probably best not put out here; they are somewhat general, but can be inferred from my sources. The sources will hopefully get at how useful it is in general, or whether it's better to wait for something well-made to come along. This has been my argument, but, what do I know? Here goes. I hereby tag thee: Blackboard.

Young, J. (2008, May 14). Blackboard unveils application to bring course updates to Facebook Chronicle of Higher Education. Accessed 6-08.

Finkelstein, J. & Pittinsky, M. (2003, Feb.). The evolving role of course management system providers in the transformation of education: An interview with Blackboard's Matthew Pittinsky. The Technology Source Archives, Univ. of N.C. Accessed 6-08.

Briggs, L. (2008, June 4). Gartner: E-Learning market pushing toward open-source. Campus Technology. Accessed 6-08.
Blackboard Resources on ZDNet

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