Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Arequipa, Peru

Leverett, T. (2009, Oct.) Reading strategies for teachers and students in the new millennium. Workshop, Oct. 5-10, Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria, Arequipa.

This workshop invited teachers from the Arequipa area and concentrated on methods of teaching reading, including ways of using new technology like weblogs and edmodo. We ended up discussing the Extensive Reading philosophy and how to incorporate its philosophy into various kinds of classes. For example, some teachers complained of having classes full of young teens, with very little motivation to read more than a sentence, or remember difficult vocabulary: what to do? Another problem: textbooks with exams lashed onto them, which students find boring or too dull. Can the teacher reach outside of those textbooks? Can the teacher support them and find material to feed into them, thus ensuring that their students do better on the crucial exams?

More on these topics later. If you wish, peruse the links or the edmodo that I set up; I would like to develop this later, soon in fact, but it may be the pinnacle of reading research that I accomplish for the time being.

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