Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Leverett, T. (2015). For better or worse: Grammar technology and the language learner. Internet Fair Classics, TESOL Convention, Toronto, Canada, March.

Here is the Session Report.

I have to admit that the actual material for this presentation is now pretty much spread out. A lot of the new things I've written have been on the For Better or Worse weblog. I have been unable to change the original presentation page, which now holds FBOW 2013 and earlier, because servers now require encryption for any new pages or any uploading.

My goal is to compile information. I will update you here. I also want to put the presentation handout on Google docs and link to it here (this should happen soon), and expand what I've written a bit and do the same thing with it. Google docs will at least hold it, and make it available.

Here is the Google docs link.

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At 2:22 AM, Blogger Jamal Morelli said...

Hello, I'm still waiting for you to post that hand out:-)

At 7:27 PM, Blogger tom said...

Here you go!


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