Sunday, March 29, 2020

the market, or grandma?

My advice to Republicans is, don't make us choose. We love our elders. They have wisdom, they brought us up, they know how to survive.

I may be more critical than most, because I see less value in propping up the stock market. Economy, yes, you want everyone to be working. that makes sense, and it also makes for a happier, more productive world, like the difference between sleeping well at night after a long day of work, versus hardly sleeping because you spent too much time worrying and not enough doing stuff. Propping up the stock market is like that. They worry about image, and appearances, and my question is, are these companies doing anything to help anyone?

Well, clearly, some of them are. Some of them wouldn't be there, if someone hadn't just given them a sixteen trillion dollar tax break. Some of them require the removal of all oversight or environmental responsibility. Some of them have been riding high based on the fact that they have money to give bribes and kickbacks to government officials, and then they get what they want: massive tax breaks, government subsidies, lack of regulation. To me, it's a sick system. And I don't owe them, to prop them up.

I personally think the nation will go back to work all by itself, soon enough. And we may realize that there's value to having animals around, and having fresh water and fresh air. We may also demand a reasonable wage, and employers who value our life and happiness more than their profit margin.

But if the market slumps for a while while it figures this out, I'm ok with that. Let people who bet big on free government money quake in their boots for a while. Let the ones who bribed Trump for removal of all regulation, wonder if that will last, or if Trump is doomed, because he let millions die just for his own image. Let millions die, because he cared more about the stock market, than about grandma. That was his first mistake.


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