Sunday, December 13, 2020

Civil War

In a law-based civil society you rely on the courts to weigh the evidence, and you agree to abide by the court's decision. If you're going to go around saying it's a "rigged" election go ahead and show how somebody cheated in one or more of the fifty states that as far as I can tell voted clearly and decisively by a margin of some seven million. And be specific - were Senate and House elections rigged too? Are you telling me that these seven million were not real people and that in fact everyone really loved Trump?

From our perspective (I, who have hated Trump from the beginning), there were very few people who held illusions about him. He lost the popular vote the first time around. He's allowed three hundred thousand to die, writing them off as "virtually nobody," not doing anything to prevent it, without saying a word about it most of the time. He even stepped up executions on his way out, just to be sure he got a few more. His response to a melting Arctic is to sell more of it and keep the money. He'll even take money in return for granting pardons (though I can't prove this), as as far as I can tell his presidency has been on sale from the start (remember that Chinese media company that suddenly got a pass, relieved of suffering justice?). This has been going on for four long years and we're ready to say, good riddance.

The Republican Party has evolved to the point that it is mostly centered on hating the Democrats. Being conservative about money, being upright and invested in the democratic process, all this is gone. If there is division it is between people who feel we should follow laws and people who feel that hating Democrats is important enough to simply drop out of the union or fight a civil war. If this were to happen, Texas would no doubt be the leader of this new Confederacy. But it would be saddled with the states that are the biggest drains on the national economy - and the strongest supporters of Trump.

His legacy is to divide us so deeply that we talk about this. In twenty states they actually believe the election was "rigged" because to them, whatever their source of news, that's the only way he could have lost. To me, I could never see how anyone could vote for a pedophile to begin with. A guy who could rape a 13 year old and then pay to cover it up (I'm not sure he killed Epstein, but he surely had a better reason than anyone else), would have no qualms about anything else he could do to innocent people in his home country. And he's wreaked havoc, for sure.


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