Sunday, October 11, 2020

We don't need no stinkin' contact tracing

We can easily do the math on the president, and know that if he is fine now, he wasn't fine for ten days earlier, and if that was the case he was infecting people left and right, and not telling them. My guess is that he knew something was coming on. He knew and he did nothing.

But not only that, they still are doing nothing. People are infected everywhere, and they knew this would happen, and now they know it happened. So do they contact people, and say, oh I'm sorry about the Rose Garden? Oops but you may have a fatal disease now? Or just say nothing like this is the normal way business is done, and people go about infecting everyone, and it's pretty much everyone for themselves.

What galls me is that people work for him out of a combination of believing what he does and stands for, and for the country itself. Inasmuch as it's an honor to work in the White House, for the White House, for the President, all this stuff has a kind of status. And he uses that status to get people to work for him. But now they are paying the big price.

Telling someone that you were infected at the time we last met, seems like only basic common courtesy, and doing so would help control the virus around DC and wherever these people happen to be travelling. It would only make sense that you would want your people out there doing that kind of legwork.

But I'm not sure if these people even know what it is.


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