Sunday, August 09, 2020

another school year

I just want to say - thirty years teaching esl/efl, college level, and another two-and-a-half in public school, high school and middle school mostly, and I am genuinely grateful to be retired. I have four left to finish educating, and there's no telling how it will pan out in this season. But my heart goes out to anyone who is ground up in this mess.

My most obvious point is, you can't just put all these kids together and hope it all comes out well. The news has come in from that school in Georgia where 1) kids had phones; 2) everyone was in the hallway; 3) few of them had masks; and, 4) sure enough, five cases just for starters. These kids are going to be infected; they are going to spread it, and they are going to take it home and give it to their parents. What did they expect?

To places like Iowa where they are making the "online option" difficult or illegal or punishable, I say, shame on you. What is it, your parental concern that makes you want to infect kids? Or your blind denial that you just don't think it's a problem???? It is a problem. Kids infect parents. People die.

I love the world's teachers. I think they must be heartbroken to see people forced to be exposed. That's one thing I'll never forget about the public schools, as opposed to say, the colleges. You have to go to school. It's the law.

Somebody has to watch out for the children.


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