Saturday, September 05, 2020

Reject Trump's Race War

It was Kellyanne Conway (sp?) who put it best. Stirring things up will help our campaign, she said. If Trump can get Black Lives Matter angry, and then get them violent, and then get the white supremacists in there, and get them violent, he'll win.

Sounds like a good strategy? No. While it's true that the Repubs have always been more into "Law and Order," and people fear the disorder brought on by the Dems, supposedly, it's Trump that's causing disorder here. We in the nation don't want disorder. We are fine with getting along with each other, if he'll just keep the federal troops out of the cities, and mind his own business.

He has the power of the federal government to start riots, start trouble, start people killing each other. If they start, and he can back off and not appear to have caused it, he can at least appear to deal with it strongly.

But I don't think we'll fall for it. For one thing, we're not in the mood for a race war. For another, we're tired even of the divisions he's stoked, so we're not really in the mood for any war. And finally, the darn virus has got us all cowed. But we're in the mood to help each other, not just go out and throw bricks.

He tries to look strong, like the granite on Mt. Rushmore. That's not going to work either. Even if his people vote twice, they still won't have enough.


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