Monday, June 01, 2020

War against America

I think the times call for us to take our stand so in this post I will take mine. I will not go out into the street because 1) I am vulnerable, 2) I still have four kids at home, and 3) I have mixed feelings about messing up a black lives matter protest when I'm white. I'll explain.

First, everyone has a right to protest, and the vast majority of them have been peaceful, in spite of the fact that the vast majority of American people are very very angry. I'm very angry, so I know the temptation would be there to hurl a rock or two, but I wouldn't do it, and I don't want to see my friends do it either. For one thing the police are our friends, and the vast majority of police respect the need for people to expect fairness, patience and restraint in our relationships. I have come to know the police in my part of the mountains and I'm happy to say I trust them as decent people and so now I hate to see signs advocating violence against the police. That one was a murderer, yes. But that's different from lashing out at every store, every police car, every precinct office, etc. Ever live without police? We'll all need a whole lot more guns if we do.

Second, if you're black, this is an intense issue and you have every right to be triggered and get out there and speak up. I think the police and authorities should understand how you feel and give you a certain amount of leeway based on the fact that you have every right to be both angry and afraid. But I am not so sure the police are going to give anyone any leeway at all. Trump has already proven his willingness to let tens of thousands die just out of carelessness, lack of restraint, ego gratification, whatever. He's not beyond putting his own army in harm's way, coronavirus or not, and he has no compunction about sending them out to kill whichever folks are still alive and vulnerable. We're all getting in harm's way here.

I feel like war against the people is his way of turning back on us, since it's become clear he won't win a fair election. He'll just kill anyone who disagrees with him and he'll start with anyone in the street. In this situation I feel like we are being drawn into a war that we can't win. We hate him. It's obvious that what he's doing is wrong and illegal, and immoral. We need to protest. But if we get out into the street he'll kill us.

In this situation we are being drawn into a war we can't win. Yes killing a man for no reason is wrong. Yes we protest against racial injustice which by the way is nothing new. Yes we must stand up for a better world and many police are on our side in that regard. NO we should not just lash out and break windows. People will die. Enough of us are dead already.

What I'm saying is that peaceful, online protest is the only way. Stand up for justice. But do it at home, online.

And then vote blue no matter who.


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