Wednesday, August 11, 2021

please include "unanimously"

Yeah sure he actually won Arizona. AND Pennsylvania and Georgia and maybe even Nevada. That is, if you don't count blacks, or Hispanics, or women. Especially if you don't count guys like me, who think the was a brazen thief and liar, who would say anything to get what he wanted, and wouldn't mind selling the Arctic to pay off a few of his hoes.

If you don't count the people who watch mainstream media, he definitely would have won. Mainstream media is all about the facts, and about what really happened, and not about how Trump should win even if you have to pay off people to count only the ballots you want.

I think that, rather than simply refusing to count blacks, or women, or the poor, you should simply refuse to count anyone who voted Democratic, and you should consider a rule that only Republicans can count and when they do, they can only count the red ballots. You might as well make it unanimous because then he'll have all the support he needs to break the law, violate the Constitution, disband Congress, etc.

You may note a little sarcasm here. There's no longer time to make democratic arguments about why Republicans should be in charge or Trump should rule. That's all I'm saying. Go ahead and be direct about it: You don't care how the votes actually panned out, whether there were more blue than red, whether it should be fair. Fair election, shmare election. You are gunning for a fascist overthrow. And you're right, I'm totally against it.


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