Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Three very good reasons

These are reasons not to vote for Trump, whether you choose Harris or some third-party candidate who may or may not make any difference. I do feel that everyone should vote, even if they vote "no" or vote communist. Make your opinions known!

First, he's a pedophile rapist. That alone should disqualify him from running. He has, what, sixteen people who have accused him of assault? But then there's this Vox article. You might read this and say, "they have nothing to go on." I read it and say "his guilt is all over this situation. He was hanging around with Jeffrey Epstein. That's what they were doing. She filed charges twice. She was thirteen, and there's no way he could have not known.

Second, "You'll never have to vote again." He means it. The campaign can walk it back all they want. But he has no sense of humor, and eventually he says everything he thinks even if it's accusing someone else of something he thinks. In this case, he has no regard, or comtempt, for both the constitution and the process, these elections that he keeps losing. He has no qualms about getting his followers to do whatever violence necessary to put him on top, and then he'll pardon them and we'll get rid of this messy democracy altogether.

His downfall may be that we like democracy, messy as it is. The Constitution protects us from tyrants and we can actually remember eleven generations ago when we needed to seal the deal and keep tyrant kings out of power. We set up a democracy on purpose. We want to vote.

Third, the earth is in crisis. This was my original reason. It is painfully obvious that we need someone to lead us through a climate crisis. He is not the one; he doesn't even believe in it. He can't see beyond the end of his nose; during the pandemic, he started out with denial and then got totally absorbed in how it made him look. People are dying here. We need someone who can lead the nation. What appears today to be just rapidly heating up/burning up/flooding will tomorrow, or within four years, be much worse.

That's it. I not only don't vote for him, I vote for whoever has the best chance of keeping him out of there. Which in this case is Harris. It's a pretty low bar. I actually think she'll be good, and do good things, but I have to admit I would vote for her if she was over 90, or had the wrong position on Israel, or whatever. We have an urgent choice, and have to do the right thing.


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