Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Another debate bites the dust


OK, during the debate I was door-dashing. It was a wild night out on the dash but that's another story. The main reason I don't watch the debates is because it makes me feel like when the guy who raped your daughter tries to sell you a Bible. You say, someone keep me from popping this guy one, or I'll end up in jail. I don't want to break the things around me in anger that they even let him speak or run for office.

Look at the bright side: half of the US will take better care of their pets. I think it's shameless to be such a fear-monger but basically when white America sees their towns become browner they become more afraid, and that's what's happening. Demographics are changing and people feel powerless about it. I'm convinced that that's what's behind the illegalization of abortion too, although that affects all races and is a little more indirect. White Americans are afraid. That's his base. Last time he called all the Mexican immigrants rapists, and actually won the election, in some sense. He was the only rapist in the room.

The other good thing is that if the US can clearly see the choice they can clearly make the choice. Seeing exactly what we've got here has got to be good, and we have to have faith that people can choose wisely. There is no more important time than now.


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