Thursday, June 16, 2005


-I've been working on the Help CESL page, collecting unfinished projects, like the foreign language pages, the alumni section, etc., and trying to pass them some of them along to people who at least have time to do something with them. There is a lot of untapped potential here...people who are willing and able to make the pages better (read this as: make CESL survive), make them show who we are and what we can do. People have already shown amazing talent in many ways.

It's already clear that a large state university, tucked off in a corner of a large state, bogged down with big-state politics, ever-changing administration, high-budget pr enforcement, etc., is not going to have time to have vision about the future or about our place in the new world. This will have to come from us at the bottom. It's that simple.


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