Friday, July 29, 2005


A rare coincidence is when two very different classes happen to touch upon the same question in a given day. In one, a woman brings an article about the emergence of color therapy, and the way colors can affect your mood, change your day, give you strength or take it away; a question arose whether this is a completely cultural idea or whether this could be true for anyone, even if he/she or his/her culture had no awareness of the concept. A lower class, with more limited English, chooses travel webpages and tries to decide if color and design are appropriate for the target market. Naturally, the question: if color associations are cultural (pink=femininity, black=power), are ideas of what clashes or not also possibly cultural? I have begun to wonder about these so-called associations, though there's no doubt marketers and advertisers take them quite seriously. But as a web designer
in the process of converting hundreds of pages into a new template, I am always reflecting on this, have been reading up on it a little, and even wonder if I shouldn't just let go of any cultural assumptions, and use a more universalist approach to choosing background, etc.

Which brings me to the idea of the web marketing survey, which is just now being developed (go here, scroll down to #6). Who knows these things? Perhaps it's time to find out.


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