Friday, July 14, 2006

another memorial

Emu picture from Exzooberance; deer picture from mynaturephotos.

OK so it's me that put these two characters on every single CESL class page. I have to find pictures to divide one term from another, and I never know what might represent the next term, so sometimes I go with what represented the previous term. Early summer in Carbondale this year was notable in that both the violent deer and the emu were killed by people. I'd make a big hoo-ha about the tragedy of man's cruelty to animals, and it was a tragedy, but I really don't know what I would have done if I were them. The violent deer was a subject of my class research last year; she attacked a number of people right near Faner after somebody touched her baby. It just set her off and she was never the same again. This year she resurfaced at the lake and attacked several people before someone shot her. We have to assume it's the same deer. It's virtually never happened before.

Then there's the emu. Where did he/she come from? Why is he/she hanging around north Carbondale? Is he/she an interesting traveller or what? And why did someone have to shoot him/her too?

I don't know the answers. Too bad people and animals have this tenuous relationship. Hope it gets better. Pray for the children, and in this case, the fawns.


At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must have been in a bubble when the deer shooting went down this year. I was nervous today as a Mama gave me a dirty look while I rode my bike past she and her little one. I was afraid she would be the crazy one, so I sped off.


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