Sunday, September 04, 2005


I've got to tell you about the webheads. I'd just say, they're a bunch of esl/efl teachers, worldwide, who are into using technology in the classroom, but that doesn't do them justice, quite. Maybe it's just that in chatting myself, I find myself close to each of them (some I knew already, actually) I know them, and I wonder if that's common to chatters everywhere. I don't use chat in my classes, because I can barely use it myself, yet I know many of my students do it, in their own languages at least, and often in English. But that's not all. At the same time I'm talking to these folks, my friends, one in UAE, one in Denmark, one in Canada, one in Kuwait, etc.....they start up using Skype, or teleconferencing, or one of several other kinds of technology- usually free, usually worldwide, usually interactive....

Now all this happens on Sunday mornings...usually I'm holding a baby or negotiating with a terrorist, so I can't say I'm using all this technology at this moment. But I will say this: before you use it in your classes, you've got to use it yourself. Before you use it yourself, you've got to know it's there, and talk about it with someone...

I've come to respect Vance Stevens as one of its driving members: I can't say this is the best page for getting involved, but it's a start. It took me a while, but I did it, and I"m really glad. Here are some of the folks....just like you & me, only somewhere-else-ville.

Scroll down the template for a cfp: one of their conferences. The first, maybe. I'm interested. I'm working on my head, if nowhere else...

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