Friday, October 21, 2005

Linguistics at SIUC

Save the Linguistics Department! With the publication of this article (may be slow-loading), the struggle to save Linguistics has become more public. The question really is whether an MA TESOL program can survive, let alone flourish, without a Linguistics Department. In a Foreign Languages Dept.? In English? By itself? I don't think so.

One might look around at a time like this and say, the market is flooded with English teachers...they're all over the world, they're being turned out by places with much less than SIUC. But that's exactly my point. At a time when other schools (like No. Ariz. Univ. and Univ. of So. Mississippi) are going pro, setting up TESOL PhD.'s, that's what we should be doing also. Training the teacher-trainers...

Now is the time to save Linguistics...let them know how you feel. We voted unanimously to save the it is time for the Faculty Senate, the Board of Trustees, etc. to do the same...


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