Friday, July 26, 2024

Some advice for Ms. Harris

1. Tell your followers to get out their flags. There is no good reason a flag should mean we should vote for a fraud rapist felon; instead a flag should mean that hard-working Americans all have the opportunity to serve our country and vote for the best people. Our votes should all count, not just the ones he wants to count.
2. Keep talking about the weather. Their stand is that it's all part of a natural cycle. No, climate change is a threat. We're losing much of Florida and the East Coast. California and the west are burning up. This is not a natural cycle. It's a reason alone to make sure to keep the orange felon out. 3. Go heavy on the law. You don't have to say that you're a prosecutor and he's a felon; we can see that. You don't even have to say that juries in several places, not controlled by Biden, have found him guilty repeatedly. Just say we believe in the legal system, and the right to a fair trial, a trial by an honest jury chosen by lawyers of both sides, etc. We also believe in fair elections counted by impartial people who we then trust without casting aspersions on their motives as if that last election was fixed. The idea that that last election was fixed was bullshit. Make respect for women the foundation of your campaign. You don't have to mention that he was guilty of assaulting one, and probably assaulted lots more, and was guilty (imo) of paedophilia, etc. Bring back "Grab 'em in the p----" since we all know he said that and meant it, and that's enough. If "politically incorrect" meand "grabbing them in the p----" then we should all jost go the other direction for our own sake.

I'd say, from the ground, things are looking good. I have friends who would never have voted for Biden, yet they'll get out for Harris. Thousands of young people will be mobilized. We have a model, Obama, who was good at this. The number of people circling their wagons around the orange felon is getting smaller all the time. Your last job is to 1) show us a sense of humor, 2) connect with old duffers like me, and 3) never look weak or indecisive.

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Where $30 trillion trickled down

I always said, if you give $30 trillion to the rich, some of it will trickle down, but most of it will trickle down in the Cayman Islands and to their personal servants and chauffeurs. Sometimes I used Turks & Caicos or the Bahamas, same difference. We'll see if any of their karma is coming back to them as this hurricane passes through.

Deep down, I have a hard time not getting behind the earth in its last-ditch effort to get our attention before the big election. What, you're about to elect someone who doesn't believe in climate change? Is it not obvious that things are more extreme, hotter, more violent (in terms of weather), more delicate? The earth is on its last legs so to speak. I'm proud of it and grateful that it doesn't give up without a fight. But that means a lot of pain for people. Florida, underwater; Texas too probably. New Orleans, a goner. Forest fires from California down to southern New Mexico.

Is there still an argument that there's no such thing as climate change? Or are there people who voted for him, tired of paying the price for environmental caution, all behind his ideas of backing right out of the Paris Accords, bringing back dirty coal and giving huge tax breaks to the oil boys, wiping the deck on solar and wind - yeah they liked that at the time, but - do they still feel that way? I hope this summer makes that kind of denial impossible.

I`myself feel that maybe it should be obvious, but we can't really have someone so clueless about climate change at the helm. We just can't.