places to go, things to see, people to meet
Digital Generation Project....lots of interesting things in here.
Labels: internet
stuff to read
Brewis, K. (2008, Feb. 3).
Who's pressing your buttons on Facebook?Times Online. Accessed 5-09.
Kattan, A. (2009, May 20).
Men are from Facebook, Women are from Twitter? CNN Accessed 5-09.
Labels: bib, facebook, internet
Gilbert, J. (2008, May 30).
The 10 most annoying programs on the internet. TechRepublic. Accessed 5-09.
Bullen, M. (2009, Apr. 28).
The net generation: Myths, realities, and implications for higher education.
TLT Conference, Regina Sask. CANADA. Accessed 5-09.
WALLS OF TOOLSNik Peachey's Wall of Tools
wiaoc 09
Sorry I've been busy, but I meant to publicize this: Webheads' online conference, biannual, free, online, from any computer near you. Schedule is
here. By the way I feel like I owe almost everything I know about using technology successfully in the classroom to the webheads, and I participate only in the weekly chats, and even then not every week. It is an enormously helpful group; somewhere among them, somebody knows the answer to virtually every question. I highly recommend it. Careful, we often trip over GMT- we seem to be about five hours behind it, at the moment. GMT is an international system to help everyone be in the same place at the same it, it's worth it!
Labels: internet, webheads, wiaoc09
ICDCA YouTube is the place where I will be speaking in early June, on a trip to the Dominican Republic. I put it here because I find myself watching it a lot. I will have more on this trip soon; I am preparing for it as we speak.
visual artist
Now here's a guy I really like:
Ebon HeathLabels: personal
master of one's domain
The entire ~cesl web system was switched over yesterday morning, at about 9:00 am, to a new domain: we are now I will announce this publicly soon and will try to predict some of the ramifications. It does not include the weblogs. It seems to have gone off well; the best I can figure, all 300 pages or so of our static web system redirect automatically to the new domain. The rest of us don't have to do anything, right away, except plan to change our stationary & business cards.
Labels: cesl, internet, siuc